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Researcher Trainings and Roundtables

Video presentation trainings and other topics of interest to the suicide research community.

Suicide Risk and Persons with Psychosis - Affective & Neural Factors

AFSP/IASR Research Webinar - October 2023

Suicide Prevention Research Methods for Early Career Researchers Training Series

In October 2020, the International Academy of Suicide Research (IASR) and AFSP hosted a series of virtual trainings that introduced some of the essential issues specific to suicide prevention research, for early-career researchers or those in the scientific community from other research disciplines. The series included three 2.5-hour sessions conducted virtually via Zoom Webinar and provided knowledge and tools for early career researchers who want to engage in high-level suicide research.

The series is now posted below. The target audience is early career researchers (MDs & PhDs) with prior basic knowledge in statistics and experience in conducting a study and have at least one original paper published in any field. Early career researchers who are IASR members or AFSP grant awardees are strongly encouraged to view the series.

Specific topics for each session are listed below along with the videos, slides, and Q&A sessions. If you view all three sessions AND submit a program evaluation form (see link in slides and in videos), you will receive a Certificate of Completion from IASR/AFSP acknowledging your participation.

Please note: Session 1 is very basic. If you have research experience related to suicide, you may want to skip that one.

Session 1, originally presented October 15, 2020


  • IASR and Introduction to suicidology
    • Gil Zalsman, MD, IASR/Tel Aviv University
  • AFSP and Introduction to suicide research methods
    • Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD, AFSP
  • Suicide research basics: Recruitment, sample selection, bias, confounding, & outcomes
    • Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD, AFSP
    • Diana Clarke, PhD, American Psychiatric Association

Session 2, originally presented October 22, 2020


  • Defining core concepts and measurements in suicidology
    • Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD, AFSP
    • Lars Mehlum, MD, PhD, University of Oslo
  • Clinical trial methods: Specific considerations for suicide research
    • Barbara Stanley, PhD, Columbia University
    • Gregory Brown, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
  • Biomarkers in suicidology
    • John Mann, MD, Columbia University
    • Gil Zalsman, MD, IASR/Tel Aviv University

Session 3, originally presented October 29, 2020


  • Ethical issues and safety protocols in suicide research
    • Diana Clarke, PhD, American Psychiatric Association
    • Jane Pearson, PhD, National Institute of Mental Health
  • Data analytic approaches in suicide research
    • Hanga Galfalvy, PhD, Columbia University
    • Adrienne Grzenda, MD, PhD, University of California Los Angeles
  • Closing remarks
    • Gil Zalsman, MD, IASR/Tel Aviv University
    • Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD, AFSP

Research Roundtable

Research Implementation Science

IASR/AFSP Webinar on Research on Survivors of Suicide Loss

AFSP/IASR Webinar on Adolescent Development: Suicide Research, the Brain, and Sleep

Research Connection Program Roundtable

AFSP/IASR Research Training Series: Getting Published Roundtable

Research Connection+

Research Connection+: Firearms, Lethal Means Counseling, and Suicide Prevention

Research EMA

Genetics of Suicide - Bypassing the Blood-Brain Barrier

AFSP-IASR Research Training Series- Funders Panel

IASR/AFSP RC+ Webinar: Suicide Prevention Research and Health Systems

Opioids and Suicide: Learning from Survivors of Loss

AFSP Research Roundtable: Lived Experience & Suicide Research

Advanced Statistical Methods and Dynamic Data Visualizations for Mental Health Studies

On June 28th and 30th, NIMH hosted a workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods and Dynamic Data Visualizations for Mental Health Studies. The workshop had two goals: Address the role of statistical methods in identifying meaningful effects and identify best practices for evaluating and interpreting meaningful effects in mental health research; showcase advanced methods for dynamic and interactive data visualization to identify potential use cases and gaps for these new dynamic data visualization tools. AFSP thinks this training is important for the suicide prevention research community. The videos of the sessions can be accessed below. These videos are open-access as per NIMH’s mission and policies.

Extra Tutorials:

WA 163_Breakout Tutorial 1 RECORDING_Workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods and Dynamic Data Visualizations

WA 163_Breakout Tutorial 2 RECORDING_Workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods and Dynamic Data Visualizations

WA 163_Breakout Tutorial 3 RECORDING_Workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods and Dynamic Data Visualizations

WA 163_Breakout Tutorial 5 RECORDING_Workshop on Advanced Statistical Methods and Dynamic Data Visualizations